We've been doing Joomla! development for years, and Mambo development before that. Although we develop a lot of Joomla sites from scratch, we can also help you with yours.
We have developed dozens of extensions, components, modules and plug-ins for a wide variety of applications, and even though there is a wealth of extensions available, there is often a unique widget that you can't fine, which is where we can help. Some examples of recent Joomla development we've undertaken are:
- Converting HTML and CSS into Joomla templates.
- Converting flat designs into Joomla templates.
- NHS slide-show modules.
- K2 CDK extension development.
- Custom article importers based on the GoBingo framework.
- Content plug-ins for custom cross reference databases.
- e-Learning components.
- Community Builder extensions.
- JomSocial extensions.
- VirtueMart extensions.
- Golf course weather modules.
- Travel news aggregation modules.
- phpBB Joomla integration.
- Large scale applications using the Joomla! framework
- Customisations of existing templates.
We're also happy to help with other aspects of Joomla support and maintenance. For example:
- Installing Joomla updates.
- Migrating templates to new Joomla versions.
- Security audits.
- Repairing sites that have been hacked or damaged.
- Joomla training.
- Community Builder to JomSocial migration.
We have close ties with the wider Joomla development community in the UK as well as Germany, Holland, Greece and America. That, combined with our own wealth of experience means we will be able to meet your Joomla requirements with an ideal solution.
So, whether you're a Joomla site owner or a media company needing help, we can bring our Joomla! expertise to bear on your project.